It appears that St Andrews, Scotland can be split into three parts.....Golf, University and the Locals.
My previous blog talked about being a Travel Representative in order to travel to places that I wouldn't normally go. I carried on this theme and got a job at the Pro/Celebrity Golf in St Andrews during October 2017.
The Pro/Celebrity Tournament is the last of the year. I was advised by the Agency (wrongly) that I would work on one of the courses in a hut where the golfers stop and get bacon sarnies, curry, coffee or tea. I was excited because finally there would be a chance to meet the likes of Ronan Keating or Peter Jones. I might get a selfie or two.
I booked my flight, arranged to stay with a friend in Edinburgh, packed my case and off I went. I didn't quite realise that the journey from Edinburgh to St Andews was two hours each way! Anyway, with four of us in the car and one partially sighted driver it was bound to be an Adventure! There were plenty of wrong turnings, sharp brakings and whiplash as the driver constantly applied pressure to the brakes for no apparent reason.
In St Andrews we were told that we not going to be on one of the three golf courses but working in the Media Tent. We all groaned. However, in a way it was for the better as the Scottish weather started to take hold. It rained, it was windy, it was sunny. We were glad to be in the cozy marquee serving lunch.
In fact we met some interesting people and managed to get an autograph from Sam Torrance.
Scores on the Board @ Pro/Celeb Golf
The hightlight for me was not who won the Golf but the Fireworks.. they were amazing! The fireworks were placed across the Golf course and were mostly gold. They shot into the sky accompanied by Scottish music....lovely...
I spoke to one of the locals who said his job was to promote the golf and the Fireworks to the students as they do not come and watch but prefer to stay in studying..
And, oh yes the students...St Andrews is also famous for its University. The place where Prince William met Kate Middleton...
Photo of prove it..
I hooked up with a Uni student for the last night of the Golf Tournament and he kindly gave me a tour of St Andrews. He showed me the Philosophy school with the Symmetrical building intentionally built to represent the two sides of the philosophy debate.
The students don their gowns on Sundays and walk to the harbour arm to remember the man who saved a person in distress at sea..
The students comically say that the locals live in the "badlands"..I suppose it is somewhere the students never venture to as they are too busy socialising or studying in their own academic bubble...
Well, I got pretty fed up with the bumpy ride to and fro Edinburgh. I decided to stay the night in St Andrews so I could see my friend and enjoy the fireworks. I was given the contact details for a Farm nearby and hopped into a taxi. Anne was a very accommodating Bnb'r...she told me she had a Pony out in the field along with a donkey. I had a donkey when I was a child and I reverted to the 7 year old in me and said "can I feed your donkey before I leave?" Anne dutifully handed me some pony nuts and I fed said donkey....
I arranged to meet the car driver at the end of the lane as I did not think he would find the farm. Anne very kindly drove me to the end of the lane. Needless to say he had driven past the spot and was parked some way off. Luckily for me Anne said she would drive me to the car otherwise I would be late for work!
We could not be at a Golf tournament without a Golf Ball Challenge (from me of course!)..I was joking really because we did not go near the golf courses. However, on the last day we placed ourselves at the 18th hole to see the winning putt. There was a charity mini golf and I asked the man if we could have a golf ball in exchange for a donation..."yes" he said...So yay! we came home with a golf ball each without even stepping onto the courses.
The Winning putt...
And, to cap it all...a few autographs were collected...Happy Days....
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